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(Breakdown: $5.18 goes to Arts & Lectures, $1.06 is for return to aid; of the $5.18, only $3.18 is subject to a 6% administrative assessment charged on all non-capital expenditures. ) Additionally, Arts & Lectures currently collects (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments) $2.93 per undergraduate student per quarter through an A.S. lock-in fee, and $5.68 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter through a separate campus lock-in fee, for a total of $14.85 per undergraduate student per quarter and $11.92 per graduate student per quarter. If reaffirmed, the Arts & Lectures Support Fee would continue to be assessed until subject to reaffirmation in 2023. ___YES ___NO ___ ABSTAIN ____ YES ____ NO ____ ABSTAIN Events Center Support Fee Do you wish to continue a mandatory fee of $4.00 per undergraduate student per quarter (excluding summer) to help meet the ongoing maintenance and facility improvement costs of the Events Center ( The Thunderdome )? Additionally, the Events Center currently collects (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments): $4.00 per undergraduate per quarter through an A.S. lock-in fee, for a total of $8.00 per undergraduate student per quarter. If reaffirmed, the Events Center Support Fee would continue to be assessed until subject to reaffirmation in 2023. _____YES _____NO ___ ABSTAIN Over 400 children, ages 3 months to 5 years, attend the University Children s Center in the Student Resource Building and the UCSB Orfalea Family Children s Center on West Campus year-round. The accredited Centers provide full-day, high quality, early care and education, and family support services. Approximately 35% of the parents are UCSB students. Fee revenue supports facility operating funds for the two children s centers and UCSB students in the following ways: the fee allows UCSB student parents to receive substantial discounts off the faculty, staff andcommunity family child care tuition rate; the fee allows the Centers to employ approximately 150 undergraduate students each quarter who gain valuable work experience and knowledge in education and child development; the Centers directly support UCSB students through opportunities in undergraduate and graduate research, course projects and observation assignments, and volunteer positions. Office of Student Life Support Fee Do you wish to continue a mandatory fee of $1.75 per undergraduate student per quarter ($1.00 in summer), for the Office of Student Life (OSL)? Additionally, the OSL currently collects (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments): $2.20 per undergraduate student per quarter through an A.S. lock-in fee, for a total of $3.95 per undergraduate per quarter ($3.20 in summer). If reaffirmed, the Office of Student Life Support Fee would continue to be assessed until subject to reaffirmation in 2023. _____ YES _____ NO _____ ABSTAIN UNDERGRADUATES AND GRADUATES WILL VOTE ON THESE TWO MEASURES: Coastal Fund Initiative Do you wish to continue a mandatory fee of $3.00 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter (excludingsummer) to fund sustainability projects and awareness for the UCSB shoreline? Additionally, Coastal Fund currently collects (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments): $6.67 per undergraduate per quarter, through an A.S. lock-in fee, for a total of $9.67 per undergraduate student per quarter, and $3.00 per graduate student per quarter. If reaffirmed, the Coastal Fund Initiative would continue to be assessed until subject to reaffirmation in 2023. _____YES _____NO ___ ABSTAIN Career Services Open Access Fee Do you wish to continue a mandatory fee of $14.90 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter (including summer) to support Career Services? (Breakdown: $10.67 is for Career Services, $3.72 is for return to aid, and $0.51 is for an administrative assessment that is charged to all non-capital expenditures.) Per original passage of this fee, the fee will be subject to a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in fall 2020 and every five years after that. Additionally, Career Services currently collects (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments): $3.16 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter (including summer) through a separate campus lock-in fee, for a total of $18.06 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter. If reaffirmed, the Career Services Open Access fee will continue to be collected until subject to reaffirmation again in spring 2023. ___YES ___NO ___ ABSTAIN VOTING OPEN APRIL 22-25, 2019 UCSB CAMPUS ELECTIONS COMMISSION Online Spring Election 2019 **Passage of the referenda on the ballot does not constitute final approval of the project. The chancellor and the University of California Office of the President must approve all referenda. In addition, all major capital building projects must be certified by the Regents for design, financing, and verification of the Environmental Impact Report, and are subject to review by the Campus Planning Committee, the Design Review Committee, and the California Coastal Commission. Fees for capital projects are based on an average undergraduate enrollment. Should enrollment drop unexpectedly, the mandatory student-imposed fees may have to be increases in order to maintain funding at a level to meet bond financing (loan repayment) requirements. THE ELECTION IS ONLINE! How to vote: Go to https://vote.as.ucsb.edu, and follow the directions. The link is also provided on the UCSB GOLD system when you log in. Public access computer banks are located at SRB, the Library, and many residence halls. Any difficulty voting should be reported to votehelp@as.ucsb.edu. These campus-wide measures will be on the ballot along with candidates for A.S. offices and A.S. new fees and fee reaffirmation items . Graduate students will vote on a separate ballot. Be sure to be a registered student by April 20, 2018 to be eligible to vote! PRO/CON STATEMENTS All registered students are invited to submit written statements of support or opposition for publication in the Daily Nexus. Pro/Con statements must include the author s name and be submitted electronically to Emma.Parker@sa.ucsb.edu by 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2019. Statements are limited to 150 words and will appear in the Daily Nexus during week three. VOTER TURNOUT REQUIREMENTS A minimum 20 percent voter turnout is required in order for the election to be considered valid. A reaffirmation passes is 50% + one of the voters vote  yes. Definition of RETURN TO AID: The return-to-aid surcharge, 25% of the total fee charged, is assessed to every campus-bases, student-initiated, new mandatory fee and increase to an existing fee originally passed 2006 or later. The surcharge is used by the campus to cover need-based financial aid for UCSB students whose financial aid awards would not otherwise cover student-imposed mandatory campus fees. The surcharge applies to undergraduate and graduate student fees. Definition of ADMINISTRATIVE ASSESSMENT: The administrative assessment, currently 7% of the base fee charged, is assessed to non-capital expenditures for every campus-based, student-initiated, new mandatory fee and increase to an existing fee originally passed 2009 or later. The assessment issued by the campus to cover the administrative costs of collecting, accounting for, and disbursing the student-imposed mandatory campus fees. The assessment applies to undergraduate and graduate student fees. This voter information guide has been produced by the Campus Elections Commission. The commission, which comprises students, faculty, and staff members, is a neutral body that advises the chancellor (or designee) on all matters pertaining to campus-wide elections and conducts elections in such a way that the interests of the voters and the institution are well served through the process. The Campus Elections Commission is NOT affiliated with Associated Student or Graduate Students Association elections. studentlife.sa.ucsb.edu/campus-elections University Children s Center Support Fee Do you wish to continue a mandatory fee of $3.00 per undergraduate and graduate student per quarter (including summer) to support the University Children s Centers? Additionally, the University Children s Centers currently collect (including all return-to-aid and administrative assessments): $6.67 per undergraduate per quarter ($5.33 in summer) through an A.S. lock-in fee, and, $3.00 per graduate student per quarter ($2.00 in summer) through a GSA lock-in fee, for a total of $9.67 per undergraduate per quarter ($8.33 in summer), and $6.00 per graduate student per quarter ($5.00 in summer). If reaffirmed, the University Children s Center Support Fee would continue to be assessed until subject to reaffirmation in 2023. ____ YES ____ NO ___ ABSTAIN This fee provides funding for one full-time staff position and programming money to support a variety of campus activities open to all students, including: First-Year Programs, Leadership Development, Registered Campus Organizations (including Fraternities and Sororities), After Dark, and University Awards. The Office of First-Year Programs assists freshmen, transfers and new graduate students in making a successful transition to university life at UCSB. Leadership Development provides theoretical and practical leadership development opportunities for students. OSL provides advising and administrative support to more than 450 registered campus organizations and Greek chapters. Funds from After Dark are awarded to groups who host student-initiated, non-alcohol centered, alternative social programs. The Events Center, better known as the  Thunderdome, is the largest indoor venue available on the central coast and hosts a variety of activities including: intramural sports, Exercise & Sport Studies classes, intercollegiate basketball/volleyball, career fairs, and concerts. It was built in 1979 and requires on-going upkeep and improvement. The support fee has provided funding for: a new sound system, new scoreboard and video board, interior/exterior painting, new ticket booth, ADA-compliant restrooms, replacement of main hardwood playing floor, replacement of the fire alarm system, termite treatment of wood structures, and almost full replacement of heating and ventilation systems. If renewed, future projects may include: replacement of existing upper hardwood playing courts, renovation of restrooms, and improved seating. The student-majority Events Center Governance Board approves all support fee expenditures. The Events Center fee collected through Associated Students and this Events Center Support Fee represent 75% of the annual Events Center budget. First passed in 1999, this fee supports projects related to localcoastalpreservation, education, access, research, and restoration. Recently funded projects include water quality and sediment testing following the Thomas Fire and Montecito debris flow, restoration of the UCSB North Campus Open Space, advocacy on local resource use and planning, the Blue Horizons film program, and many others, collectively providing hundreds of paid student internships per year. Proposals forfundingare reviewed by the all-studentCoastal FundBoard, and campus organizations, departments and local non-profit organizations are all welcome to apply. This fee also supports student organization participation in theCoastalService Program and fee support for students taking the Scientific Diver certification course. The fund is administered under the auspices of Associated Students with the oversight of the A.S. Senate. It also addresses unmet needs consistent with the Coastal Act and UCSB s Long Range Development Plan. Each year, Arts & Lectures presents over 150 events including films, lectures, residency workshops, and performances by world-class artists and influential speakers. Notable figures have included: Joe Biden, Jake Shimabukuro, Trevor Noah, Yo-Yo Ma, Jeff Goldblum, Tarana Burke, and Samantha Bee. With continued support, Arts & Lectures can maintain: an array of events to students with discounted ticket prices (up to 65% off the general ticket price); a selection of performances, lectures and films (up to 20 events a year) at no additional cost to students; student employment opportunities; and classroom visits, master classes, meet-the-artists discussions and workshops with visiting artists and lecturers. With this fee, Career Services will be able to continue services at current levels. These services include: access to major and career exploration resources; connection to local and national internship opportunities; as well as access to the full range of services for students seeking employment after graduation--career fairs, on-campus interviews, and employer networking opportunities. These services continue to be available for one year after graduation. The fee also funds staff positions that support a career education program for student success in specific industries (e.g., health professions; entrepreneurship; education; business; STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math); public and social service; etc.). 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