Countering Islamophobia
Review of The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror by Arun Kundnani.
Citation: Gada, M. (2015). The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror. Arab Studies Quarterly, 37(2), 205-208.
Good Muslim, bad Muslim: A political perspective on culture and terrorism by Mahmood Mamdani
Citation: Mamdani, M. (2002). Good Muslim, bad Muslim: A political perspective on culture and terrorism. American anthropologist, 104(3), 766-775.
Religious liberty, minorities, and Islam: An Interview with Saba Mahmood
Citation: Interview on "Religious Liberty, Minorities and Islam" for Social Science Research Council's "The Immanent Frame" Blog
Formations of the secular: Christianity, Islam, modernity by Talal Asad
Citation: Asad, T. (2003). Formations of the secular: Christianity, Islam, modernity. Stanford University Press.
The Muslims are coming!: Islamophobia, extremism, and the domestic war on terror (review of book under ‘Articles’)
Citation: Kundnani, A. (2014). The Muslims are coming!: Islamophobia, extremism, and the domestic war on terror. Verso Trade.
Politics of piety: The Islamic revival and the feminist subject by Saba Mahmood
Citation: Mahmood, S. (2011). Politics of piety: The Islamic revival and the feminist subject. Princeton University Press.
Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror by Mahmood Mamdani (related article by same name and author in ‘Articles’)
Citation: Mamdani, M. (2005). Good Muslim, bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the roots of terror. Harmony.
Citation: Said, E. W. (1979). Orientalism. Vintage.
Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir Puar
Citation: Puar, J. K. (2018). Terrorist assemblages: Homonationalism in queer times. Duke University Press.
Virtual Talks/workshops
- The Rohingya & Uyghur Crisis
Muslims face brutality in many areas of today's world. However, more often than not, they are rarely talked about or publicized, and don't make the front covers or headlines of news. As a result, many people are still oblivious about the various inhumane conditions Muslims are facing. The Uyghur Muslims in China are being put in internment camps, and the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar face sexual assault on a daily basis. To bring awareness to this unspeakable injustice, the MSA would like to host an informational presentation, featuring talks, short video clips, a discussion, and a safe space for those who need it. Come joins us as we stand in solidarity for the victims enduring so much hardship across the world.
The Black Community - 2019
African American Muslims make up a majority of the Muslims in America. However, their experiences are often overshadowed by the Arab Muslim experience. Islam has a deep history in our roots, from the Africans brought over during the slave trade who were forced to abandon Islam to the organizations in the 20th century who adopted Islam into the black identity and approached black liberation through Islam.
Come find out more about this from Professor Butch Ware and Professor Douglas Daniels.
- Dalia Mogahed
Mogahed is a notable Egyptian-American TED talk speaker and Director of Research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding in Washington, D.C. She has appeared on The Daily Show and is the co-author of the book, "Who Speaks for Islam?: What a Billion Muslims Really Think?"
- Art Exhibit Reception
Muslims and Arabs have historically been misrepresented and stereotyped due to misinformation regarding their communities. This art exhibition aims to represent the presence of Arab and Muslim American diasporas in their true diversity, uniqueness, and authenticity.
Having lived through the revolution in Cairo, Owise Abuzaid was tempted to become a photojournalist, but when his Canon EOS 550D was destroyed in a clash on the streets, he turned his attention to abstract views and perspectives using an iPhone. With almost 100,000 followers on Instagram today, and after finishing a program at the International Center Of Photography in New York, he is currently pursuing work in long term personal stories and documentaries.
Suhaib Webb as a guest speaker. He will be speaking about his journey in finding spirituality, and transition, growth, and development. He will also speak about how to value self-care and prevent burnout when serving our respective communities.

UCSB Muslim Student Association strives to be a safe space where community becomes family and helps students grow spiritually, academically, and socially. The purpose of UCSB Muslim Student Association is to create a safe space for Muslims of UCSB on campus; a community where Muslims and non-Muslims alike can feel comfortable in, where Islamic topics can be openly discussed, and where we can represent our demographic to the campus.
The Islamic Society of Santa Barbara (ISSB) is a 501(c)(3) independent organization. Its public outreach activities provide religious, recreational, and educational facilities to support the practice of the essence and value of Islam and foster interfaith understanding to fulfill the spiritual, social, and intellectual needs of Muslims and non-Muslims in Santa Barbara County.
- Student Involvement: Undergraduate-Graduate Education Committee
- Interfaith:
From the Islamic Society Santa Barbara: "Here is a brief collection of print and electronic resources that may provide an introduction to Islam, the Qur’an, Muhammad, and Muslims. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and ISSB does not personally endorse any particular authors, scholars, or opinions contained therein, but we would like to suggest these materials as a place to start learning. And of course, feel free to discuss these ideas with us and others you know. Learning and dialogue are the first steps to understanding!"